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Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Gaming is my favourite among all my interests.people have many views on gaming.some may say it's bad. and some may (guys like me) say it's AWSOME!!. Sometimes I play games to enjoy the challenge, other times the story, often I just want to lose myself in a fantastical world that breaks the laws of this one. What compels me to put so much time into them? I'm the sort of person who refuses to leave things unfinished, be it work, books, or video games, and in the very best ones I don't even need a reason to keep playing. And a game can most certainly hold the same, or in fact greater importance to me than a movie or album, games have shaped my life, made me who I am in ways that no other media or art can. Not just the games themselves either, but the experiences I've had with them.Games have this weird way of being able to impact you so powerfully whether you're experiencing them alone or with others, they can be an emotional, personal experience that will shape the very person you become, or bring people closer together like nothing else can. In short, video games are, at least to me, one of the greatest things on the planet. SOO let me share some of the greatest games I ever played...... 1)Dragon Age 2
2)Bio Shock infinite
3)Tomb Raider Reborn
4)Mortal Kombat 9